Login Endpoint: POST /api/pas/login
Part 1: Login Endpoint
Part 2: Aggregate Endpoint
Part 3: Detailed Endpoint
To utilize the login endpoint, make a POST call including the username and password. A valid token will be returned. The login endpoint general request form is:
The body should contain Key value pairs for user and password as well as setting the grant_type to password
username <your user name>
password <your password>
grant_type password
Here is an example HTTP Request:
POST /api/pas/login HTTP/1.1
Host: platform.ursaspace.com
cache-control: no-cache
username=<your username>password=<your password>grant_type=password
Here is an example cURL:
curl -X POST \
https://platform.ursaspace.com/api/pas/login \
-H ‘cache-control: no-cache’ \
-d ‘username=<your username>&password=<your password>&grant_type=password’
Note: Postman can help you figure out which special characters need encoding for a variety of languages when making REST calls (see the Generating client code | Postman Learning Center )
The login response includes your valid JWT:
“access_token”: “<your JWT is here>” “token_type”: “Bearer”,
“expires_in”: <expiration time in seconds>